Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Packing Day

Today is packing day. Part of the contract is that we can take 1000 pounds and then put the rest in storage. All along I kept asking myself what is 1000 pounds?? My friend Nickie equated it to 1/40th of an 18 wheeler. Basically not a lot. Today I can confirm a 1000 pounds is NOTHING. Especially when you are moving with two kids and toys.

First round weighed in at 400 pounds and not half way done. Not to mention the kitchen stuff (specifically the Kitchen Aide Mixer and Cuisinart) weigh a ton. I made an emergency call to our relocation agent - we need approval for more stuff ASAP!

After a few phone calls and many boxes later we actually weighed in at 1075 pounds. Not too shabby. I did have to take out the kid lawn chairs, beach towels, and stationary. I am not sure how all those things made the first cut anyway.

It feels good to know that everything is on its way. Now I am off to worry about how to get the rest of the junk in 6 suitcases!

Villa Aseana #25

A few weeks ago Kyle and I made another trip to KL to find a place to live. Many people ask us about housing over there and frankly it is very similar to the states. We decided on a three story link house which is like a condo. It is in a gated neighborhood called Villa Aseana. As you can see in the photos it is modern in design and very nice. The first floor is the living room, kitchen, atrium and dining room. The second floor is the family room, master bedroom, and two rooms for the girls. On the top floor will be our guest suite with a bedroom and living area, not to mention great views. We have plenty of room for visitors so if you are up for the adventure you can visit anytime.

Now I just need to make final selection of furniture but doing a whole house at once is a little overwhelming. I told myself that since this is short term I was going to do very contemporary and go out of our "comfort zone" with wild fabric and colors. We will see. More pictures to come once I get nested.