Saturday, June 20, 2009

Teksi (Taxi's)

Well week one has been nothing short of interesting.  Day one we all go to Bangsar Village to pick up a few groceries.  At this point we have not picked up the company car yet so we all (Kyle, me, his parents, both girls, stroller) pile in a TINY taxi.  Talk about a clown car.  We head just down the street.  We go to the store and pick up enough food for a couple of meals and some bottled water.  The water here meets world health standards but the locals boil it first just to be sure.  We decide to just buy some to start.  So now we have to find a cab.  The cabs here are like the Mafia you can wait in a huge cab line only to get to the front and if they don't like your destination they can say no and move to the next in line.  Then you go to the next cab and the next until someone agrees to take you.  You can see where I am going with this...four adults, two kids, stroller and a crap load of groceries.  Now add to the equation 90 degrees.  Kyle was standing on a corner and finally flagged one down and then he saw all of us and swerved right back into the traffic.  Thankfully we saw a guy sitting next to us and it turns out he was waiting to pick up his mom.  He was sympathetic to our situation and agreed to take us up the hill.  Once we all squished in Sharon and I could not stop laughing.  It was an experience to say the least.  

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