Thursday, July 2, 2009

Moving Day

Today is inally moving day.  We will be leaving The Nomad (our temporary apartment) and actually sleeping at the new place tonight.  Yeah!  Two days ago our shipment from the states arrived.  I posted a picture of this delivery truck because it is like the one that delivered our stuff.  We didn't take actual pictures of our truck but it was pretty funny because they backed in our "driveway" and this hand comes out of the back, they unhook the plastic stuff and he flips it up.  It reminded me of a truck with illegals finally reaching their destination.  They had about 5 guys and we were unloaded in about 30 minutes.  The people here are incredibly nice and very hard workers.  

I was like Christmas for Samantha and Emily.  They unwrapped Samantha's bike and she started jumping up and down.  Then when they got to her play kitchen she didn't know what to do.  Poor Emily missed her excersaucer so bad.  She was so glad to stand up and play on her own. 

Let the nesting begin...we did most of the kitchen right off the bat.  I have now opened all of the boxes and unpacked about 80% of them.  When they packed it all in Houston it looked like a ton of stuff.  When I unloaded it in an empty house here it doesn't seem like we brought enough.  I am not sure why I didn't pack a laundry basket, more pillows and baking dishes.  Oh well.  Once we get settled I will post pictures of the place with furniture but here are few.

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