Tuesday, July 21, 2009


If you are an avid TV watcher don't move to Malaysia.  We subscribe to the local cable option which provides a bunch of channels that appeal to all the cultures here.  So there are local channels in Melay, Chinese, Arabic and Indian.  Notice English did not meet the primary list.  Actually we do get some channels that I like to watch including, Discovery, National Geographic, CNN, and E!.  We also get some cartoon channels for the kids which is nice.  The other channels are MTV, Hallmark, HBO (different version), ESPN and a few more.  

So the other day they advertised "all new" Brothers and Sisters.  I got excited.  So I watched and it is the episode where Tommy and Julia have the twins and the son is sick.  Anyone who watches this show know how freaking old that is!  Another example - Oprah comes on the Hallmark channel and they showed an episode with a guest that was nominated for an Oscar.  When were the Oscars?  I am hoping that they have summer hiatus here as well, but I probably should not hold my breath. 

Honestly the most current news/shows we get is on E!.  Thank god they have their priorities straight.  Not too much else to say about crappy TV.  

Speaking of old, another funny example - I bought some Pepperidge Farm Chessman cookies for my banana pudding recipe and honest to god, they had candy canes and wreaths on them.  Yes, we are in July here too.  Since they had not expired so I bought them.  I guess all the old stuff gets pawned off on asia.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Heather,

    There are ways to watch US TV overseas on the internet. UStream.tv or JustinTV.com along with ATDHE.net are options. Also a lot of US sports are available on ESPN360.com for a small fee. At least these are available in Moscow. Unfortunately while episodes of tv shows are available for $1.99 on Itunes the network websites won't let you stream shows overseas. That's where the options above come in. I'm a fan of "House" and spent some late nights and early mornings watching the NHL hockey on line.

    Take care!
